Al’s active preaching ministry began in the 1970s while he was in seminary. For three years while in seminary he led a weekly street ministry to the inner city of Fort Worth, and also a campus ministry of one-to-one personal evangelism and discipleship. Completing seminary in 1977, he was invited to join Precept Ministries, a non-denominational Bible teaching ministry and conference center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There he was co-teacher with Kay Arthur and was involved in the ministry of preaching and teaching the truths of God’s Word to thousands of people weekly across the United States and around the world. Strong emphasis was given to equipping God’s people to study the Word of God inductively and to apply the Scriptures to everyday life. In 1984, after six years with Precept Ministries, Al was called to join the worldwide ministry of Ambassadors for Christ International. AFCI is a fellowship of preachers and teachers of God’s Word who seek to serve the Church of Jesus Christ as catalysts for genuine spiritual revival, refreshing, and world evangelism, primarily through itinerant preaching ministries, and developing and equipping spiritual leadership. Now, after almost thirty-five years of ministry , Al still works with AFCI out of its office in Atlanta, Georgia having an extensive preaching/teaching ministry that reaches around the world. His ministry in the local churches has encompassed many denominations across the United States and in other countries, where he has been privileged to present the unsearchable riches of Christ from God’s Word in more than 60 countries. For more than thirty five years Al has been privileged to preach, teach, and minister across the USA, South America, Europe, India, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific nations, and in countries behind the former Iron Curtain.
One of the greatest desires of his heart is to see Heaven sent revival…. a genuine move of God in the Church of Jesus Christ, both here in America and around the world. "True God-sent revival," Al says, "will return true believers to God’s standard of living….Christ Himself in you, the Hope of Glory! Only when the church is willing to allow the Holy Spirit to transform her into what Jesus Christ died for her to become, and lives to insure she will be, will the world feel once again the full impact of quality Christianity. Then, obedience to the Great Commission will overflow out of the Church’s worshipping heart, impacting the world in the measure that God intended!" It is Al’s firm conviction that Christians must be called to face the full implications of the weight of Scripture and allow the marvelous enabling grace of God to transform every area of their lives. It really is all about Jesus! The church must lay hold of the things that are on His heart ! Prayer must, once again, become the vital breath of the blood bought church of the Lord Jesus Christ. "There must be an unmistakable scriptural Spirit-given call given to those who name the Name of Christ to know Him, to love Him, to worship Him, to serve Him, and to obey Him." God’s heart is for His people to know Him intimately, and then to manifest to the world the reality of what that relationship means.
Kay Arthur
Since the day I met Al Whittinghill over 30 years ago (when Jack and I invited him and Mary Madeline to comeon staff at Precept Ministries International) his passion and zeal for holiness and prayer have never changed.From that time on, I knew God would use him greatly wherever he went because his message is so rich and soBiblical. When my dear brother speaks, I want him to pause almost after every statement so I might savor itsrichness, and ponder its truth. He is truly a man of God for this hour, that we the church might be prepared to meet our God.
Ron Blue
I have known Al Whittinghill for 20 years, and few men are as consistent in their Christian life as he is. This man has something to say that all of us need to hear.
Larry Burkett
I have known Al Whittinghill for many years. I recommend him as a highly ethical and committed Christian and an excellent teacher.
Phil Downer
Al is a gifted and forceful teacher of God’s Word who uses practical applications and real life examples to relateGod’s message to everyday life … An unusually gifted and dynamic speaker that communicates God’s Word ina vibrant and life-changing way. His character, depth of experience and practical approach to God’s truth allow him to speak to a broad cross section of people.
Steve Green
Al’s life and message spring from a deep love of God and a watchman’s concern for the Church. The Lord is using him mightily in these last days to issue a clear call to those who are hungry for spiritual truth.
Richard A. Harris
Al is a Spirit-filled servant and exudes excitement and enthusiasm in his preaching and ministry. He is a prayer warrior with a burden for spiritual awakening in our nation and world. He has always exhibited credibility and the highest Christian integrity. He is deeply committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God.
Dr. Vance Havner
I perceive that this man is a prophet who has a word for this generation…
Dr. Johnny Hunt
It is with great joy that I commend to you my personal friend and brother, Al Whittinghill. I have had the privilege to serve as his pastor for several years, and what a delight it has been. God used him mightily on numerous occasions to speak to the First Baptist Church Woodstock family. We have always been challenged and encouraged by his ministry, and I know that you will be as well. God has also strategically used him among our deacons and leadership to challenge in the area of revival, praying, and seeking the face of God. I commend his ministry with no reservations whatsoever. Your church and your people will be greatly blessed.
Dr. Henry Krabbendam
The focus of the Rev. Al Whittinghill’s ministry is the local church. His heart’s desire is once again for the revival fires to burn in it and to be channeled through it. I deeply appreciate the type of theology that produces men of his vision and zeal and makes his preaching powerful and effective. This preaching is expository in the finest of traditions, is Spirit-filled, aims at the heart and seeks a transformed life that makes a difference.
Rev. Peter Lord
Al is a dedicated, committed servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. He would be an asset to any Kingdom work.
Dr. Stephen Olford
Al’s message is undiluted. He preaches the Lordship of Christ and the power of a Spirit-filled life. I warmly recommend Al Whittinghill to God’s people everywhere.
Dr. Leonard Ravenhill
My friend and brother Al Whittinghill has been touched with a live coal. He truly points the way and also leads the way. "A man whose heart the Lord has touched" 1 Sam.10:26. Hear him.
Dr. Richard Owen Roberts
I was brought to faith in Jesus Christ as a youth. At that time theological liberalism dominated most of the churches of upstate New York where I was raised. Now, sixty some years later, classical liberalism is all but dead and evangelicalism pervades much of the nation. But, Alas! Evangelicals seem to be as lacking in purity, passion, and power as liberals were then. At a time when the voice of the prophet of God is desperately needed in the church there are alarmingly few who even call the church to repentance, and fewer who do so under "The Burden of the Lord". Notable among this small band of exceptions – mighty men of God – is Al Whittinghill. Listen to him! He has the Father’s heart for His wayward church. Give him platform! He will voice the cry of the Holy Spirit for purity, passion, and power in your midst. Turn him loose among your people! And when you do so, expect them to fall in love afresh with Jesus Christ and true religion!
Jay Sekulow
I have had the privilege of being ministered to under the anointed ministry of Al Whittinghill. Al is powerfully and obviously led by the Holy Spirit. I believe his ministry is on the cutting edge of what the Lord is doing.
Mrs. Jan Silvious
Al Whittinghill speaks with the cadence, eloquence and power of the revivalists who stepped on God’s platform over a century ago and changed the world. Yet, he preaches a message that is totally relevant to the complexities of our day. Al challenges my mind, awakens my heart and holds my attention while proclaiming the unchanging, living Word of God. I commend my dear brother to you with my highest recommendation!
Dr. Charles Stanley
Al Whittinghill is a man who has a strong, deep abiding conviction that the Bible will provide the answers for everyday life. He has a unique ability to share this conviction in a fresh convincing way. I highly recommend Al to any church for Bible conferences, revival meetings, pulpit supply or missionary conferences. You will hear expository Biblical preaching and teaching at it’s finest.
Mrs. Cam Townsend
It has been a privilege to sit under Al Whittinghill’s ministry. Not only has he a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, but also he is able to share what the Lord is doing in his own life, making the Word come alive. Al is a man who knows that God means what He says, and he applies it in his own life. In so doing his preaching blesses many. I highly recommend his ministry.
Bruce Wilkinson
As one personally burdened for the instructional needs of the body of Christ, I rejoice when I observe the wide influence of teachers such as Al Whittinghill. With an unswerving commitment to the Scriptures and a heart committed to service, Al is poised to influence the church at large for years to come. I commend Al and his ministry of teaching without reservation.
George Verwer
I commend Al Whittinghill and his ministry to your church or organization. I believe you will be greatly edified and challenged as you are exposed to the burning message that is upon his heart and which he is able to deliver with such Biblical clarity and unction.
Ravi K. Zacharias
Strong and anointed Biblical preaching in a contemporary context, that stirs both heart and mind, is a rarity in our times. Al Whittinghill has been greatly gifted by God to fill this immense need. The Bible was never meant to be dull – Al’s preaching is a persuasive demonstration of that fact. The evidence does not stop with his presentation but continues on with changed lives.